I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in through their word (John 17:20)
Oh, how blessed we are to have the opportunity to know God! He never ceases to amaze me and never ceases to draw me closer. Sometimes it is like he is taking me places and saying, “Look at this.” I do often feel like a child peeking at something new. As a result, I wonder why I ever had the opportunity to get to know Him when I certainly did not deserve it. Once again this week, He said, everyone has the opportunity, we simply need to choose to use it.
All day long, we are bombarded with choices. We determine what to say and how to react. We determine which way we will go and how we will respond when we need to go somewhere when we would prefer something else. In all things he gives us grace to accomplish His will. We choose whether or not we will use it. Sometimes God gives us new perspectives and a glimpse of something, and we can follow or not. We can trust even when we do completely understand!
I received a very special gift recently. It is a hand made ice cream scoop! I do like my ice cream. It is a beautiful gift, and I know it is intended to be used, but the temptation is to just display it. I know I have it. I can look at it and smile and give thanks for it and I should use it, but it is just so new.
Are you getting what I am saying here? The giver gave it to me to use. It will certainly give him joy knowing how much I appreciate it, but even more joy knowing how well it works.
God likes that we like what He says. He takes great joy in us when we have ears that are listening. But, He takes even greater joy when we put what He says into practice.
Remember, He gives us gifts and we are supposed to use them. If we don’t, we could lose what we have. If we rejoice in the truth, but never practice the truth; the joy we find in the truth will just become old news. It will be another thing that we know about.
God makes His ways known. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. We only need to receive His word and hold on to it, and whenever He opens the door, we go the way that He directs.
We are living in times when the enemy is so obvious that no one should miss the errors he is promoting. Still, it seems that many are being deceived and working to find a way to get away with following lies, rather than getting the lies away from them.
People are doing everything they can to try and fit a square peg in a round hole. God’s ways are so clear and so good, and still people try to make their way around it instead of making His way the way of their lives. Stop it! Just stop it!
Humble yourself in the sight of God and follow him. Yes, He could most certainly make everyone do what He wants, but He wants those who want what He wants most! Those that want what He wants most will not be disappointed. It is our choice!