And they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead. (Luke 8:53 NKJ)
Have you ever let what you think you know rob you? Recently I began to seek the Lord concerning this when this thought came to me as I was reading in the gospel of Luke. “Remember this. What you know or what you think you know or how things appear is not necessarily the end of the story. Have faith in God. Don’t ridicule Jesus. Call on Him. All things are possible with God.” If we will learn to see the impossible as an opportunity for the Glory of God to be revealed, we will not be disappointed.
The more I considered this the more I saw that throughout the time that Jesus walked the earth He was continually showing people that His way was way better than our way! We do know some things, but we do not know everything! The sooner we learn to seek Him and expect His way, the sooner we enter into the Life that Jesus came to give us. One thing we must do in order to enter this place is learn not to ridicule Jesus! We may as well admit that we have all done it. If Jesus says one thing and we prefer to doubt, we just ridiculed Him.
Jesus came and told these folks not to weep because the girl was only sleeping. One translation says that they laughed at Him because they knew she was dead. Had they been wise, they would have started laughing for joy that He was there to change things! Fortunately for the little girl and her folks, Jesus went ahead and raised her up. Unfortunately, I believe there are many times when Jesus comes to change things for us and we turn Him away with our doubts.
In Luke 24:38 Jesus shows up after His resurrection saying, “Peace be with you.” The Message Bible says that they thought they were seeing a ghost and were scared half to death. To this Jesus responds, “Don’t be upset, and don’t let all these doubting questions take over.”
On this side of heaven, we will never experience a life where doubts do not offer to take over! The deciding factor is what we choose to do with them. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The word was in the beginning and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In order to overcome doubt, we must know the Living Word of God.
My last thoughts as I went to sleep after a long day of travel were pertaining to this subject. The last thing I remember were the Lord’s words to me. He said, “The key is to know Me.” If we apply that simple truth to every moment of our lives nothing will be impossible. The people who were mourning knew that the little girl was dead, but they did not know Jesus. Don’t let doubting questions take over; instead let the Truth set you free. Lord, help us all to know and choose you above everything else.