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But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.(Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJ)

When? That is a big question, and sometimes very difficult to answer. Having just returned from some four thousand miles of a family vacation, you can well imagine that “When” was an often asked question. When will we stop? When will we get there? When can I buy something? When will we be home? And on and on go the “when” questions.

As we traveled, we had the privilege of listening to the audio books of the “Left Behind” series. They are very good. We enjoyed them much. I am certain that there are those who argue the theology of them on both sides, but the bottom line is that they should provoke thought in every hearer or reader.

When will the end come? Thankfully, only God knows. How will it come? We have some clues, but the truth again is that only God knows for sure. We can be certain that the end will come, and that it will not be a pretty thing for lots of reasons and lots of people.

My answer on the trip to many of the “When’s” was simply, when we get there, when we stop, and sometimes when do you want to? Other times I might ask “why do you want to stop, are you desperate?” Then there were times, we just stopped because it was time to take a break.

As I considered these things, the “When” question began to grow into what I want to focus on today, and really every day of my life. The answer to everything lies with our Lord God, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. He says that when we seek Him, we will find Him. So there is our answer.

Some people get so caught up in trying to find out when the end will come, that they forget about seeking the One they should want to be with. It really does not matter when it comes. What matters is where we are when it does. When He returns, will He find us faithfully seeking Him? Will we have developed a habit of looking to God.

Sometimes people are wondering when God is going to do this or that for them. Or why He has done something for someone else. Or they wonder why things are the way they are, and they want someone to tell them. All the time, God is watching and saying, “why don’t you ask me?”

He has promised that when we seek Him we will find Him. Many times we wait till we are in distress to seek Him. He does not mind that. But we may not be in so much distress if we would simply seek Him all the time. We need to develop a habit of it. Let me say here, that no one has perfected this yet, except Jesus. He is our example of how things should be done. We will do well to make Him our standard to measure up to. So, I guess the big question for us all is, “When will we seek Him?” When we do, we can be sure we will not be disappointed.

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