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The council then threatened them further, but they finally let them go because they didn't know how to punish them without starting a riot. For everyone was praising God...(Acts 4:21NLT)

The Bible is full of examples of the good things that happen when people praise the Lord. When Israel shouted, the walls fell down. When the worshippers led the army with praising and dancing; the enemy was lying in a pile without them raising a hand in battle. It is no wonder that the Psalmist said, “Oh magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together. I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

We know that the council was spirit led in scripture, but it was not the Holy Spirit leading them. They were acting as servants of the devil. All they could do was threaten in the face of the praise of the people. This is the normal tactic of the enemy. He is always threatening. If he can get us to fear, then he can paralyze our faith. On the other hand, if we praise, the power of our praise paralyzes his fear. The devil knows that he cannot stand in the face of the praise of God’s people.

The religious council knew that they did not stand a chance, but they had to try. As usual, the praise made them and the one they served look foolish. This caused me to ponder what would have happened if the people had just kept praising? What if they would have refused to cave in to fear and yell, “Crucify Him?” What if the whole world would have just believed what Jesus said?

Well of course that is not what happened. Jesus died and was raised again to give us victory. Now what if we all would just walk in it? What if we all would praise the Lord for His wonderful works? What if we all really believed that we could pray and praise our way to victory?

What do you do in the heat of the battle? What do you do when everyone is praising the Lord? Do you join right in or do you wonder when it will be over? Are you one who starts praising whether you are alone or with someone or one that backs away when it starts? Do you relish praise and worship, or is it something that you just have not acquired a taste for? Maybe you have just never understood the benefits of praising God. Scripture tells us to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” The truth is, there is nothing better or more beneficial than praising God.

If you are not experiencing victory, start praising. When we start praising it releases the power of God that binds up the enemy. This creates an atmosphere for answered prayer. It opens the floodgates. Blow the trumpet. Sound the alarm. Let heaven and earth know that the King is in residence in your life!

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