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"If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask Me, and I would give you living water." (John 4:10 NLT)

Things change when you know something. Have you ever heard anyone say, “If I knew then what I know now?” Look what happened to Job once He knew God? Truly we can see why the Lord is continually encouraging us to grow in our knowledge of Him. When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well of living water, she immediately wanted some of that water that would always quench her thirst. She did not understand all that He was saying, but she understood enough to say, “Give me some!”

Jesus went on to explain how this water would become a stream bubbling from within, continually producing life. Do you know how that stream works? Have you experienced that bubble that comes up in your life to flood away the things that steal from you and leave a table spread in splendor in its place? Have you allowed it to wash away pain and sorrow? Have you experienced how that truth rises up and encourages you and those around you who will receive it? Have you ever thought in your mind that you could not go on and then suddenly up comes that living water and your doubts are gone? Yes, that simple old chorus that speaks of it bubbling in our souls is so true!

We cannot survive physically without water. The super thing about the gift that God gives is that it can and will produce in both the natural and the spiritual world. Just as God produced water in the desert for Israel, so He can and will supply our every need if only we will trust in His unfailing love.

When we know we can trust Him and are willing to force ourselves if necessary forward in that trust, we will not be disappointed. It is impossible for God to fail. Do you know that? Or is your first response to a statement like that, “I believe it but!” Oh yes I know there are times when things do not go our way, but are we willing to wait upon the Lord and see what His way is? There is no doubt in my mind that I have been guilty of thinking it is over when we were only half way through what God was doing. I may desert His plan, but He will not desert me. Yes, if I had known then what I know now, I would have beheld the glory of God in those things sooner and in greater measure.

I believe we have all experienced things that caused us to say, “It just gets old.” Maybe it is something as simple as the cold of the winter or the heat of the summer. I think we also have some things that we say, “It never gets old” about. Things like a motor cycle ride for me or shopping for someone who likes to shop.

The goodness of the Lord never gets old. We must never allow seeking Him and worshiping Him to get old. He is new and fresh and our love and adoration of Him must remain new and fresh. When we know Him and the gift He has for us, we will arise and seek the one we love. We will hold Him and never let Him go. We will respond to the living water bubbling up inside of us and praise Him forever more. Do you know?

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