“Lord, they said, we want to see!” Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. Instantly they could see! Then they followed Him. (Matthew 20:33-34)
When it comes to following the Lord, it is important to act. When we see what we should do, we should do it. When He says go and we see that He is talking to us. We should go. Go where? Well, the truth is that we will know.
For instance, when Jesus was about to feed four or five or ten thousand, He would give the disciples the opportunity to exercise their faith. He would say the people are hungry. When they would suggest he send them away; He would tell them to feed them! And of course, the people got fed.
When the time comes that God tells you to feed someone you will know what he is talking about. Even if it seems impossible, we know He makes all things possible. He probably won’t start you out with thousands; just don’t overlook even one!
We must have our eyes open so that we can see. We must desire to see! Every person who wants what Jesus has to offer, must follow Him.
He asked the blind men what they wanted. They told Him that they wanted to see. When they could see, they followed Him. Sadly, not everyone wants to follow Him. Remember the lepers who were healed? Only one even bothered to thank Him.
It is important to give thanks to the Lord! It is important to keep our eyes open, so we see the opportunities to give Him thanks. Thank you, Lord, for the breath I just took! Thank you for the things I see. Thank you for allowing me to do your will.
Do you want to see what the Lord wants? Do you want to give? Do you want to help? Do you want to go?
Following Jesus is a lifestyle. It is intended to be the same for everyone. We all have our part. We follow in our work. We follow in our play. We are all called to follow. The blind men wanted to see and then they followed.
So, do you want to see? Sometimes, we see and quickly turn away! Sometimes we hear and quickly explain why we must have heard wrong!
We will be the most content and happy when we quit being selective about the things of God. When we simply decide to follow and trust that He knows what He is doing and what is best for us, that is when we truly start to live.
So, what do we know? We know that we need to see. We know that we should want to see. We know that we should follow all the time. We know that we don’t always follow. We know that we sometimes turn away. We know that we have been selective when it comes to the things of God. We know that we have in fact closed our eyes so we could not see and not have to take a stand! We know this needs to change. The solution is simple. Follow Him! Hallelujah!