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For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6 NLT)

I feel tremendously blessed for the privilege I have of serving as a pastor in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the same time, I am often shaken by the responsibility that this blessing places upon my life.

Recently I have been contemplating the things that the Lord has spoken to us as a body. With the wonders of our present technology, it is easy to see that the Holy Spirit is speaking these same things everywhere that people have ears to hear. Truly these are days that the prophets of old longed to see.

So as I considered the different things that the Lord has spoken and shown to us concerning His promises and the directions for opening the doors to those promises, the Lord asked, “Where are you?” With that question came a flood of other questions explaining the big question. These were questions concerning where I was in relation to what the Lord was saying and what I was doing to see this word fulfilled in others.

Are you closer to God? Do you trust Him more? Are you challenging yourself and others to get there? Are you growing? Are you increasing in the knowledge and power of the Lord Jesus Christ? Is your mind being renewed and are you being transformed in the process? Where are you now compared to where you were a year ago? How are you doing financially, physically, and emotionally? Are you expecting miracles? Are you changing the world or is the world changing you? Do you have hope? Do you trust Me?

That is a short list and I am sure if you take the time to consider where you are, you will hear many more things. I have a responsibility to respond to the challenges of God and then to challenge those who are open to the challenge, to do the same. I know that not everyone is striving to go deeper in Christ. I know that there are many distractions and that there are many places along the road where it is easy to just sit down and say it is far enough. I also know that thoughts like that and places like that are not what God has planned for us.

When we were born again, we were raised from the dead and seated in heavenly places as a result of our unity with Christ. We were and always will be destined to enter the kingdom of God not just casually observe it. Remember, eye has not seen, ear heard, or heart imagined what God has actually made available to all who will believe for it. This applies to what we can do for the kingdom as well as what we receive from it. Are you persuaded that these things are true and are you becoming more and more persuaded each day? If so you are in a good place. If not; why not? What will it take to persuade you? Where are you?

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