Then the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?"
If we are going to be in Christ, we should walk like Him. If we are going to walk like Him, we really need to keep track of where we are. All around us we are seeing things that certainly look like end times activity. Is this the end? I do not know, but it is always good to take the time to consider where we are.
To be honest I am not even certain what I was thinking or praying about when these words entered my mind, but since the time that they did I have had a multitude of thoughts follow along. Thoughts like, how long did this go on between Eve and the fruit? How long did it take in the garden before she began to walk closer and closer to that tree? Did she and Adam talk about what God had said? Did God talk to her or did she talk to God about it? Did God warn them more than once? Did God encourage Adam to keep an eye on the woman that He gave him? Did God warn them about the serpent in advance? I am sure I could fill the page with questions and to be honest I really never considered many of them before, but with these thoughts have come many others that apply to where we are or may be headed today in our own relationships with God.
We have the benefit of all the scripture that has been given to us for our good. It is full of warnings and precautions and promises and everything that pertains to life. We can look at Adam and Eve and call them foolish, but before we do that, we should make sure of where we are. Do we prefer what God says over everything else, or are there trees that we know we should not go near, but they look so good? How long does it take us to override what we know to be right and rationalize our way closer and closer? What do we do with the warnings that God or one of His messengers sends our way? Do we search until we find someone who will encourage us that what we know is wrong may just be alright? Do we set ourselves up to be taken down?
Eve had a clear mandate from God. Adam had a responsibility to see to it that they did what God wanted. It was not God’s responsibility to make sure they did what He asked. It was their responsibility to remain faithful even when He was not right there walking with them. We on the other hand, have the benefit of Christ dwelling in us. We have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We have the promise of God that He will walk with us telling us which way to turn or not to turn. Unfortunately we also have the same option Adam and Eve had and that is to ignore God.
God knows where we are, the question is, “Do we know where we are?” Is what God says most important to us, or is there a tree that we have been eyeing? Perhaps this one question will serve to turn us away from a wrong way we have been headed. Perhaps this will break the delusion that the enemy has been clouding our minds with. Or perhaps this will be a great encouragement when we search our hearts and see that we are in fact right where God wants us. Whether it gets us back on track or accelerates us along the right track, it is good to consider where we are.
We could even discover that we are not on any track and experience the salvation of the Lord. Whatever the case, we have an opportunity to follow God each day. We have the opportunity to help one another. We have an opportunity to please God. We have the opportunity to fellowship with the Lord God anytime and anywhere that we are. Oh, where are we?