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She thought He was the gardener. "Sir," she said, "if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him." (John 20:15 NLT)

If you are reading this on this Resurrection Day, you probably know about Jesus and you probably know someone who needs to know where He is.
Mary was looking for Jesus. She was looking hard through tears. She was determined to find Him. When she saw Him she did not recognize Him. But, when she heard Him she knew Him.
Mary was determined to find Him, but she was not looking for Him the way she found Him. I think that is true of many people. It is probably true for all of us. At different times in life we may give a glimpse for Jesus, but we are not looking all that hard for Him. We have a little need for help and He comes to mind, we do not find Him the way we want and we stop looking. Worse yet, many become angry because He was not the way they wanted and they decide He does not even exist.
Mary of course had experienced Jesus in person so she wanted to do for Him what she could for His burial. She was about to find out that her spices were not necessary. We may think we need to offer something for Jesus to love us. We may try to find a way to spice it up and make ourselves special. He just wants us.
The question I have been considering and now I share with you is; “Where is Jesus in your life today.” If you know Him, you know you never really lived until He came into your life. If you are like me, you also wonder how, when He is so special, you can be so easily distracted at times. Let me encourage you by saying that if find yourself wondering why you are distracted; that is a good thing. It means He is still the focus of your search.
Mary did not just leave when she could not find Jesus, she kept looking. We have the advantage of knowing that Jesus is always present. Even if it does not look like at times, we can declare that He would never desert us. He is doing something. We have so many examples in the Bible of God working things out for good for His people. The more time we spend with Jesus, the more confident we are that He is able.
He never moves. He is always making intercession for us. He is always working in our behalf. Is that where He is in your life? Believe it. He is right there. He is speaking to you now. More than likely someone reading this is whishing it was true. It is. Someone else might doubt that Jesus really cares. Circumstances may be telling you something else. Circumstances told Mary that Jesus was gone, but He wasn’t. He has more for us than we have ever imagined. Where is He in your life? Have you put Him aside or welcomed Him inside. Rejoice. He is alive!

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