But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (Romans 8:9)
You do! I do! We all do! The power has been given to us in Christ. We know that, right. In Christ, God removed the power that sin has over us and gave us power over sin. But, like any good wrestling match, there is a battle. God did not remove sin; He removed the power that sin has over us!
Let’s face it, sin has a lot of moves and sin does not play fair. Paul recognized this. It took the power of God. He understood that he no longer sinned, but at the same time, he recognized there was still the ability to sin dwelling in him. Have you noticed that it seems at times like sin comes way too easily.
Have you noticed that being judgmental is your gift! You might call it superior discernment, but it is what it is! Do you have the power to control your response to your observational superiority? Of course you do. Do you have the discernment to recognize it for what it is? Of course you do. You have the power!
We are free not to sin. When we sin, it stirs up doubt. We doubt that we will ever get the victory. We may even doubt our salvation. We may doubt that God really gave us the victory over sin. We are the only one He left out. Oh, the trails we can wander along.
Actually, God has given us power to turn things around. Doubt can provide the opportunity for deliverance. Doubt should turn on the light that it is not God at all. It is that sneaky devil. He uses deceit, because he no longer has the power. He knows we have the power to end the fight. So, end it.
What is it that keeps coming at you? What is it that keeps you from the victory that is yours? I can tell you that my major focus is irritability. Sometimes I just smash it like a mosquito, but have you noticed what it is like when the mosquitos are thick? I know I have the power because I know that God has taken the power that sin had over us. David said in Psalm 118:12, They swarmed around me like bees; they blazed against me like a crackling fire. But I destroyed them all with the authority of the Lord.
We can’t ignore our sins and hope they will go away. We have the power to blow them out. When they pop up, smack them down! If I am going to be irritated, I am going to take it out on the source, and the source is the devil.
I am reading a book titled, “HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE ALTAR LATELY?” I am thinking that I can build an altar at every place of victory and the victory comes at the place of the battle. Yes, put on the full armor of God. He has not given us a spirit of fear. Every battle is our place for victory.
We have the power. Do we have the desire? God declared an end to sins’ control over us by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Let’s go.