Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. (Matt. 4:1 NLT)
A question we must all consider is, “Who is leading?” We all have those “What was I thinking” moments; times when we ask ourselves as well as having others asking what we were thinking or doing. In the natural, these are things that are often written off to weak moments or at other times moments when we just wanted to do what we wanted to do. Well no matter what, we are being led! There are two spirits at work in the world, and we are influenced by one or the other. Good stuff comes from God, and bad stuff comes from the devil. God will never lead us to do evil and the devil will never lead us to good. The devil will always try to make it look good, but it never is good. So, the more aware we are of this, the better off we will be.
Throughout our lives, we are led in different directions. When I was at my worst, I would still do some good things. Often times it is the occasional good things we do that help us overcome the truth that is staring us in the face telling us something needs to change.
One thing that is obvious, but still bears mentioning, is the fact that we are most easily led by the things that we most desire. So if we call ourselves Christian, then it should be our desire to be led by the Spirit of God. Unfortunately, not every Christian even realizes that they can or should be led on a daily basis by the Spirit of God, or that they have choice in the matter. After all, being led by God all the time can complicate life. Still, it is the spirit that we yield to that we will be led by.
We are drawn by the Spirit of God to the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. The ultimate plan is that we submit ourselves totally to God, learn to resist the devil, and watch him flee. Of course he does not throw in the towel and give up when we get saved.
Jesus spent thirty or so years seeking His Father before He was led to the ministry of His cousin John to be baptized and start the most amazing ministry anyone had ever seen. At just the right time God put everything in motion. We too can be led in such a way that things happen at just the right time. When we are led by the Spirit, we can remain confident that His timing is perfect.
Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness receiving the strength and the wisdom He would need to complete what He and His Father had planned. Then came the devil to tempt Him, but He defeated the devil the same way that we are called to defeat him. He spoke God’s words to him and after the victory the angels came and took care of Him.
You see, when are led by the Spirit of God we are ministered to by the angels. There is peace and refreshing in His leading. On the other hand, when are not led by the Spirit of God, there is anything but peace, and there is no refreshing because the enemy’s plan is to wear us down in order to wear us out. How are you feeling? Are you feeling refreshed or worn out? It is time for every person in the body of Christ to walk in freshness and lead this world into the presence of God as we are led by the Holy Spirit of God.