You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. (2 Chronicles 20:17 NKJV)
If we are going to dwell in the secret place of the Most High or abide under the shadow of the Almighty, we really must decide whose side God is on. Let’s face it; there is a certain amount of confusion concerning this very important point.
How often have you heard people say things like, “I don’t know why God did this?” Or, “I guess God is teaching me a lesson.” Then there is the famous one, “God will not allow more than we can stand, so He must think we are pretty strong.” Perhaps the top of the top is this one; “God works everything to the good of those who love Him.” The implication on this one is that somehow God does bad things to us in order to create a good ending. If any or all these are favorites of yours, please stay with me.
While these statements all contain truth, they also contain elements that leave people wondering just exactly whose side God is on! Think about it. If we believe that God is in the business of making problems for us, it can leave us a little tentative about trusting Him to solve them. Then there is also the fact that if those who do not trust God for their lives in the first place see or hear us declaring that God has opened the windows to trouble and that we just feel privileged to be the object of the trouble, well you can understand how that might affect their attitude toward God.
Another example might be when we ask the Lord to protect us, or heal us, and then leave it up to His will as a final statement; so then if it goes wrong, it must have been His will for it to go bad! Whose side is He on? Two questions came to my mind as I was thinking about this. “Why would God be against me, and if God was really against me, how long could I last?” Even when I was lost and far from God He was not against me! He loved me. Why would He change sides now? I am not an enemy of God. I love Him. I am not perfect, but He is working on me. If He was against me, He could crush me like a bug in the twinkling of an eye.
The things that God is working together for my good are all the things of the Spirit of God. Our works of the flesh may put us out there where the enemy can attack, but God is not doing it. Our doubts or lack of understanding of His will may open the door for the enemy to get at us, but God hears our cry. He does not send the enemy so we will cry.
Once we have decided that God is on our side all of the time, it will change how we look at Him. We will be comfortable sitting on His lap. We will no longer wonder when the hammer will fall and it will be our turn to be tested by God. The truth is we create enough tests on our own. God is busy providing the solutions. He has a whole table of good things set for when the enemy attacks. So not only is God good all the time, He is on my side all the time. This should be our declaration. “God is on my side all the time!”