For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. (1John 3:8 NKJV)
As we draw nearer to the time of the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it seemed good to me to consider why He came in the first place. Not everyone knows the story and those of us who do are wise if we bear it in mind. John tells us that the reason Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. This provided for the salvation of the lost and entrance into the wonderful Kingdom of God.
So what are these works of the devil? He started out trying to displace God in heaven; he is a great promoter of pride! In the garden, he convinced Adam and Eve to question God and consequently separated us all from the relationship that God wanted us to have with Him.
God told the devil that he had bruised the original plan, but that One would come who would crush all of his plans under His feet. Jesus came to crush the devil and restore God’s original plan for His favorite part of creation, man!
As Jesus crushed the works of the devil he also manifested the glory of God and the plan for those who would enter the kingdom of God. He healed the sick, because sickness came with the devil. I know that people get sick and that sickness is still around, and I do not have all the answers about those who stay sick. I just know that Jesus came, and no sickness could stand in His presence. We should shoot for what God has promised and what He can do and not be focused on the works of the devil. Remember, Jesus came to destroy his works. He came to show that the Kingdom of God is greater!
Jesus came to give back what the devil had stolen. Yes the devil is a thief and he still steals every thing he can get his hands on. But Jesus came to bring in back. The most important thing Jesus provides is fellowship with God. Through Christ we are restored to the original place that God planned for us.
Jesus came to give us life. The devil comes not only to steal, but to kill, but he is no match for the power of God. Of course our bodies may die, but our spirits live forever, so in Christ we never die. Jesus came so we could experience God-life here and now and life in heaven forever.
We need to remember why Jesus came and as we do, we need to enter in to the place that He provided for us. If we forget the purpose of His coming, we will neglect the things of God. We will become careless in our faith, and as a result, be robbed of the life that Jesus came to provide.