And now abide faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1Cor. 13:13)
Love is, to say the least, a complicated concept. There is a multitude of ways to try and describe it. People fall into it and fall out of it. People love a multitude of different things. People even love to hate some things and there are relationships that are described as love-hate relationships.
This chapter in the bible is often referred to as the love chapter, and verses 4 to 8 set a high standard as to what love is. Still, love is something different for each person and strangely it is often the source of many misunderstandings and all out battles. Therefore I am presenting this as a seed that may minister to our hearts and strengthen our walk with God.
In my quest considering an anointing to love Him and draw others deeper into this love that I cannot describe, He asked me why I wanted this. In response, I began to think of the power of love. You often hear the saying, “love is blind.” The fact is that love can motivate people to good sense as well as to nonsense. It makes perfect sense to the person in the clutches of love to hang on to a relationship even in the face of abuse. It makes perfect sense to a person in love to sacrifice their own life for someone else. This is the kind of love God continues to have for us.
You see, we can have mountain moving faith one day and be filled with doubts the next. Things can happen that even cause us to doubt God’s love. Miracles can take place right before our eyes, and we can deny them. We can look at things going on in the world and question God as to why He does not do something.
We can maintain hope in things not seen for a while, but there will always be a moment when hope is under attack and we are susceptible to defeat. There is no doubt that we can become weary at times and ready to give up. We can quote scripture, listen to others, and do all the things that seem right, but still find ourselves on the verge of giving up. But this love has the power to restore all things and put us over into victory.
Obviously God’s love for us never fails, but have you considered that God was giving us a key to the victory that Jesus experienced day in and day out. If we maintain a deep, uninhibited, unrestrained, love for God, it will override all fear, doubt, shame, or blame.
This love for God will not even entertain the idea of God failing or forgetting. This love for God will stand even if someone is trying to convince us that God is abusing us. It would never consider Him to be an abuser. This kind of love sees only the good plans God has for us. This love has eyes only for God and cannot be distracted by anything else. This kind love turns us into dreamers that always see God working out the solutions and never the problem planner. Yes Lord. This is what I want because “Love never fails.”