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Since therefore it remains that some must enter it... (Hebrews 4:6a (NKJ)

Have you ever said, “Why me?” I can remember as a young boy saying that when my grandmother died. It was the first time for me to experience the death of someone close. Obviously I survived that moment in time but it was difficult. I am sure there have been other times when I wondered why me, but that one really stands out the most. Oh, except for the wonder of “why me” that I should be so fortunate as to come to know Jesus; that one still amazes me!

Well, I started out to call this devotion “Pot of Blessing” but did not want anyone to stop reading because of the title. Unfortunately, the idea of God blessing people sometimes offends people. Please do not be offended. Rather, keep reading because it may just change your life. I know it has mine, and every time I consider this I am more blessed.

As I read the above scripture and considered that some “must” enter it, I thought, “Well if somebody has to it might as well be me!” The promise that God made to the people was a promise of a great land full of blessings. All that was required of them was that they should go in and posses what He was giving them. As you know if you’ve read the Bible, the ones who were supposed to go in did not get to go. God still took care of them, but they just never got to experience the blessings that He had planned for them.

Later on when the next generation did go in, there was plenty for everyone. There were even some who got too much and gave some back. There were others who did not get a portion to start with, but when they presented their case, they too received their portion.

The way I see it, God has more than enough for everyone. In fact, I had this picture of a giant pot and sitting by the giant pot there smaller pots waiting to be filled. Then as the smaller pots are filled, they were taken out in order to spread what is in the giant pot around. Each smaller pot then begins to grow and on and on the process goes. If we fail to take what God promises us, then we stifle the process just like the generation who would not enter the Promised Land.

This is not only a problem for us, but for those who are waiting as well. I admit it took me quite a while to begin to see this. I was content with how good God was to me. That in itself is not so bad, but now I see that there is more, and that if I do not enter, others may miss what God has for them.

Since it remains that some must enter so that they can share what is theirs, why should we stifle the plan of God? With this understanding, I encourage you to join me is saying, “Why not me” to all the promises of God. There is a pot of blessing waiting for us all!

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