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But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? (Psalm 56:3-4 NLT)

We all trust something. Some trust in the worst things happening. Some trust nothing. Nothing is something! We can choose what we will focus on. In Isaiah chapter 7 God told the people that if they had faith they could stand, but He could not make them stand firm if they had no faith. In other words, we have to give God something to work with.
Most people remember the tragedy that took place 15 years ago today and we pray for the comfort of all directly and indirectly affected. There are so many testimonies of pain and of deliverance from that day. Which testimonies do we dwell on? The truth is, we tend to brush off the testimonies of the miracles and focus on the worst and the why’s. The question then becomes when will we trust?
Over and over again God gives us paths to hope, help, deliverance, comfort, peace, and all things good. This is what we all really want for all people. One person at a time receives the promises of God and when we receive them we understand that freedom does come from knowing for ourselves.
Why don’t we covet knowing the truth? Why don’t we read or hear the testimony of God’s faithfulness and covet that? Why is it that more often than not we are deceived into brushing off the promise of God and picking up on the chants of doubt and unbelief?
If we have come to trust God; if we understand that we can stand and keep standing; then we are very blessed. If we are blessed, then we have a responsibility to display the faith and hope that we have so that others can be drawn to the only answer that there is to life; His name is Jesus!
We are all given opportunities to display our hope and cast down hopelessness. It begins in our private time with God and our circumstances in life. We decide how we will respond and then we react. Do our responses and our reactions declare the faithfulness of God and our faith in Him or do they reveal our lack of trust. Truly, this world needs to trust God. We cannot just tell people to trust God; we must show them how.
Pray for people. Comfort people. Help people. Jesus went about doing good and we have the same Holy Spirit who helps us do the same things. Again, back to the idea of giving Him something to work with; He is our helper!
So be sensitive to God’s leading. Desire to be led and declare your trust in God. You can be fearless and victorious in the face of any and all circumstances. Stand trusting God!

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