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Jesus asked the twelve apostles, "Do you want to leave too?" (John 6:67 ERV)

Will you leave? Have you left? Are you back? Will you stay? How long will you stay? Do you desire to stay? What could make you stay? What could make you leave? Do you believe?

In John 16:1 Jesus has just finished telling His followers about the need for Him to go so the Helper, the Holy Spirit, can come and lead them into all truth. He then explains that He told them all of this so that they would not lose their faith when they faced troubles. Yes, He says when you face troubles. So what will we do? How will we stand? Are we determined to stand? This takes commitment!

Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:13-14 and told him to teach the same things Paul had taught him. Paul said the teaching was treasure that they had been entrusted with. So this brings up yet one more question. Do we see God’s Word as a treasure? Think about that. A treasure is something valuable. It is something we keep near. It is something that we fall back on or rely on. Is the Word of God the place we go for answers? Do we rely on it? Are we certain of its value? I am asking a lot of questions because if we do not have the right answers to the questions we are going to weaken in our struggles and God never intended for us to fail. He intended for us to fight the good fight of faith and triumph in Christ Jesus.

For example, I keep emergency cash in my wallet. I know it is there and I know the value of it. I simply have to have my wallet with me for it to be of any real value. If I do not have it, it is still valuable, it is just does me no good. The word of God is valuable whether we see it as valuable or not! It is so valuable that God said we should hide it in our hearts. This was so we would always have it with us.

When Jesus asked the apostles the original question, Peter was the one that pointed out they had nowhere else to go. Your words give us life and we believe in You. In other words, Peter was committed to the truth. Because of his commitment, he was able to overcome denying even knowing Jesus. The words of life were such a treasure that he went back to them and as a result where he once was fearful he became fearless.

Our walk with God is not just about us doing well for sake of us feeling good. It is about doing something bigger than that. First however, we must be committed. Our commitment will produce the results the Lord desires and then we will see that His favor is all about Him and what He wants for all people everywhere. Then we will shine a light that enlightens the world around us. One last question; does this sound like your commitment?

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