When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. (Matthew 2:10)
The wise men were filled with joy when they saw the star. The angels came to the shepherds with joyful news and when they saw the savior, they went away filled with joy. They both received what Jesus provides.
As I thought about this, I was reminded that the shepherds had followed the star, but then lost sight of the star and stopped off in Jerusalem to inquire about where Jesus was to be born. From all perspectives, that looks like it cause more trouble than good. The king found out and as a result, he later sent out his men to find and kill Jesus. So, why?
The response in my heart is that I do not have to love the plan, the path, or the circumstances; I simply need to plan on the results. The results are always that God is good.
Seriously, why send a host of angels to shepherds? Why not send them to the king and change his mind and life? Obviously, because God had a plan. Unfortunately, the devil is always about the area causing grief and destruction.
One thing we know for certain is that God wins. We win. Since we win, we can be filled with joy at all times. Remember Paul’s instructions; rejoice in the Lord always. In case we did not catch that, he repeated it. Again, I say rejoice. After all, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Strengthen yourself in the Lord. Who gives us strength after all? Jesus!
The world experiences the Joy of the Lord at Christmas even if they do not believe in the Lord Jesus. The season is full of joy. Of course, not everyone rejoices. The joy is present even if we do not enter into it. Still Where the presence of the Lord is there is pleasure forever more.
So, first the shepherds followed the joy they experienced. No doubt there were conversations about the trouble they might be in for taking off on the whim at the suggestion of singers in the air. It is even possible that some went back to the sheep. Our focus is not on the ones who did not finish, it is on the ones who did.
The result was that they were filled with joy and ran away telling everyone why they were so filled with joy. Friends, the joy is present. Jesus is present. Holy Spirit is present. Our heavenly Father is present. Receive the Joy. Stop and just receive the joy! Ok, let’s continue if we can.
We could dwell on the evil king who only wanted to find the baby and remove him. We could cover many “if only” questions, or we could just rejoice in the Lord over the results. The wise men headed out and there was the star again! Did they ponder why it had disappeared in the first place? Did they beat themselves up for ever making their journey known to the king? After all, the Lord did tell them to avoid the king on the way back. Did they travel for miles bemoaning their mistake? I don’t know. I do know they were not disappointed when they got there. God has promised we will not be disappointed. Don’t turn back. Don’t give up. Enter the joy of the Lord!