He who is not with Me is against me, and He who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. (Matthew 12:30 NKJ)
We are in the season when Christianity is on the big push to gather with Jesus. The idea seems to be to increase the intensity, sensitivity, and at times the show right up to Resurrection Day and everyone wants to take part in that. It only makes sense that we would all want to be involved in the power of the resurrection, but why would we want to limit it to just one day when He wants us with Him everyday.
How important it is that we hear what Jesus is saying. If we do not we will be like those in the Bible who were listening, but not really listening and consequently never understanding what the Spirit of the Lord was saying. Remember, “Faith comes by hearing.” Have you ever spoken to someone and they never heard a word you said? Have you ever not listened to what someone was saying? I believe we can all relate to this.
As I considered the Word of God, I saw it as a large cave full of caverns with each cavern holding its own treasure. The treasure does not jump out of the cavern as we pass by, it is necessary for us to explore it. If we are entering the cave determined to find treasure, we will see the glimmer at the opening much like a gold miner might see a glimmer that would cause him to go in looking for the large vein of treasure. However, if we are just passing through so we can say we were there, we might stumble over a huge diamond and never stop to even examine it.
Jesus wants everyone who believes in Him to gather with Him all of the time so it is important that we acknowledge Him in every circumstance. It is safe to say that there are lots of circumstances in our every day life that Jesus has something to say that could change those circumstances. He can take terrible to terrific just as easily as he can take good to great. All it takes is sowing a seed, but we must have seeds to sow.
It is the Word of God that changes things. Circumstances do not change things. Lots of people have lots of circumstances and nothing changes. It is the people who hear God in the middle of the circumstances that experience change in their lives. It is important that all people everywhere have the opportunity to hear what the Lord has to say, so it is important that we have His words ready at all times. If we have Christ, we have the Word of Life. So let’s gather with Jesus.