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"This wine represents the new agreement from God to His people. It will begin when my blood is poured out for you." (Luke 22:20 ERV)

I have often said that the more I know God the more I know that there is more to know. This scripture is where knowledge and understanding blast off! This is the promise of a new agreement (covenant) with God.

In the beginning God made everything and then made us to enjoy it. He made an agreement with Abraham and it was a fine one, but just like Adam, the people side of it fell apart. The one God made through the blood of His Son, is an everlasting one that is for everyone who believes and receives Him.

This is all pretty basic I realize, but for some reason it seems that far too few go any further than the basics. Jesus said this would begin when His blood was shed! That means it was a beginning that would just keep going and growing according to our faith! Our faith affects how it works in our lives. The covenant agreement is like a train on the tracks. It has been rolling ever since that day with way too many empty seats. There is multitude of folks standing beside the tracks with a ticket to heaven that just never seem to get on the train of the full value of that new agreement.

The agreement Jesus sealed for us goes way beyond a surface belief in the existence of God and accepting the fact that Jesus was the Son of God and that He is waiting in heaven for us to show up.

The agreement is like app on your phone or short cut on your computer desk top. It is there running waiting to go into motion for you and me. It is when we open it that we begin to see how it functions. Just this morning I was putting a note in my phone and clicked on part of the app and I was amazed at all the other stuff I can do with it. It was like God said to me, “This is how my agreement works; there is always more.”

At 5:06 I awoke and felt like Acts 5:6 was a verse that tied in some way with what God was telling me about this agreement. Well I knew the story of Acts chapter five and when I read it, it said that Ananias fell down and died when he heard Peter tell him he had lied to the Holy Spirit. In the same way, something in us has to die in order for His agreement with us to come to life. Jesus died to activate the covenant and old thinking and mind sets and doubts and fears etc. must die in order for us to walk in the newness of life.

Jesus said that the truth would make us free. He also said that people perish for a lack of knowledge. We miss so much when we just stand by and wave at the train, or we turn our backs and pretend we do not see it. The fullness is waiting for us to get on. All aboard!

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