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We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard. (Acts 4:8 NLT)

How often do you consider the wonderful things that God has done in your life? If you know God, then you know about wonderful things. If you are His child, wonderful things are there for you to behold and to hear. I do believe that it is possible to be God’s child, having believed in Jesus Christ for salvation, and still not “know” God. Just as it is possible for a baby to be born and not know their father, it is possible for a person to come into the kingdom of God and not “know” the Father.

If this were not true, how could someone say that God has not done anything for them? How could someone say that God wants them sick or in despair? How could someone say that God has failed them? It is very possible to have direct access to the things of God and never make a withdrawal simply because we not aware of what is ours.

As we begin a new year, I am led once again to consider the wonderful things we have seen and heard. As children of God, we have experienced far more than we realize. There are so many things that we could see, but we miss them. God speaks so much and we just do not hear. Often it is because we do not look or listen. We do not look or listen because we do not expect to see or hear anything!

Just as the leaders tried to rob the people by stopping Peter and John from telling the wonderful news of the gospel, so the enemy has done a good job of convincing people not expect anything from God. If he can’t stop us from experiencing God, he does his best to get us to keep it quiet.

We cannot allow ourselves to be robbed any longer! Start by thinking about what God has done in your life. The mere fact that He got your attention when you were far from Him is something to start shouting about. Add to that the joy of your salvation. Do you remember that? Is it still fresh and growing? Think about the new words He put in your mouth! It is praise for Him now isn’t it. Those old words have been swallowed up in victory haven’t they? If not, you have something to look forward to don’t you?

Remember a time when God provided for you. Remember a time He protected you. Remember a time when you were sick and got well. Did you praise God for these things? Did you welcome Him to do more in your life?

The disciples rejoiced at what they had seen and heard and asked God to do more. In response, God shook the building and answered their prayer. Wonderful things are headed your way. Look for them! There are great things to be heard. Listen for them! The more we look and listen, the more we will see and hear! Now tell somebody how great God is!

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