I will praise you forever, O God, for what you have done. (Psalm 52:9 NLT)
The sower, so sows the word. That is Jesus talking about the parable of the sower. Lately, it seems like a lot of individual words have been dropping in my head and straight to my spirit. In the midst of that, I had a thought about those words in relation to His Word and Grow it, or throw it went to work.
When the Lord speaks to us, we do one of two things. We grow what He says, or we throw what He says. Sometimes we may choose to store it, for a late time. That would be sort of like those clothes or shoes or little pieces of junk that we don’t throw away, just in case we might need them. There is a possibility of finding them, but how often do we wear those clothes, shoes, or use the pieces of junk?
I will praise you forever, O God, is a word sown as well. We not only have words sown, but we sow words every day. We say things like I can’t stand that, when we could say, I can do all things through Christ!
Do our words make any difference? We know they do! But honestly that is not really what this is about. The words that I have been considering are concerning my feelings about God or my desires for my walk with God. It started when I mentioned to God that I really do not pray desperate prayers much. I certainly pray at desperate times.
There. Yes, there was where the word list began. And with there, came an old song line that said, get back to where you once belonged. Old rockers will hear the tune. God made us. He wants us. Where does He want us? He wants us there with Him. Am I there? Keep me there? There is where I want to be!
I can go back there if I find myself not there. I can choose. There is another word. Choose, choice, rejoice! Do you see how simple words can build up or tear down? Can you see the idea of growing or throwing? What do we do with those nuggets that God drops in our hearts?
Sometimes those nuggets can be like big rocks that hurt. We like the ones that pour on like oil and make us feel good, but those sharp, correction words, seem a lot bigger. News flash! They are all the same size! They are all seeds. If they are not from God, cast them down. If they are from God, grow the crop.
I want to be there. Right where God wants me. I prayed when I first started to know God; I asked Him to take me and make me what He wanted me to be. I asked Him to fill me with His spirit. I said, for so long I lived without you, now all I do is think about you. Father, won’t you please use me. I knew He was at the top of my thoughts, and I knew I had lived without Him, but the other parts I knew very little to nothing about. I am getting there! There is where I want to be!