I have something from the Lord to tell you. I warn you: Don't continue living like those who don't believe. Their thoughts are worth nothing. (Ephesians 4:17 ERV)
It is one thing to read these words from the Holy Spirit written by Paul and agree that those who do not believe really have worthless thoughts, but it is quite another to realize that even those of us who call ourselves believers have our share those thoughts as well. In fact it may be the most liberating thing that happens to us when we quit looking at others and look at ourselves and say, “Wow I have a lot of worthless thoughts!”
As I was reading and sharing from Ephesians chapter 4 recently it was so clear how this and the following verses spoke to how my life was before Christ and how it applies as we grow in Christ. Then I read where Paul was speaking to Timothy about people pretending to be devoted to God but refusing to allow that devotion to change the way they live,(2 Timothy 3:5 ERV) and I thought how easy it is for us to forget the most important things.
When we do this, we also stop the flow of the most important thing and that is the Life that is in Christ Jesus. We become like a person standing by a water fountain dying of thirst. The water is right there, but we cannot see it. Even when someone points it out we pass it by. God may even send someone to turn it on for us and we refuse to drink. And we do all of this while pretending to be devoted and doing just fine!
Often times when people are in this mode they are extra vocal about their devotion and able to point out how much others do not know the truth. This of course is enemy inspired because it makes the pretender feel superior while accomplishing nothing lasting for the Kingdom of God.
Whether or not the truth changes us is entirely up to us. We can refuse it until it really does not bother us to be just the way we are. We can stop at the spot in the road that says we are doing so much better than we once were, or so much better than others, so there is no reason to go any further and after awhile we will just make that spot our home. Then of course in order to establish our roots there we come up with one justification after another and we do our best to get others to join us at that spot. I am not certain that anyone is ever really comfortable there. In fact I really do not think God will allow us to stay comfortable there. If He did it would mean He gave up on us! Still it is possible to become a great pretender!
The time is now to get rid of all pretenses! This world needs to see the real thing. We need to enjoy the benefits of being real and share them. Lord, help us to overcome all resistance and be truly changed by every word you speak to us. We need this so much. Thank you Lord.