This change in us brings more and more glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18 ERV) God gives you His spirit and works miracles among you because you heard the message about Jesus and believed it. (Galatians 3:5b ERV)
Is it possible that God is doing things we do not see and are not totally aware of? Of course it is. Do we have anything to do with how things play out? In my opinion the answer to this is yes and no!
Let me attempt to explain why I have come to think this way. You see we either believe what God says or we don’t. We can even pick and choose if we like. Does my picking and choosing affect me? The answer is of course yes! Does it change God or His word? The answer is of course, no!
When we consider what we reveal, we must acknowledge that a lack of knowledge will directly affect what shows, but that does not change what God says is going on. He is doing things in us that we may not recognize, but once we gain understanding they will be revealed. The truth is that God can accomplish all He has planned without us ever manifesting it. In other words, we can waste much of what God accomplishes in us because we fail to understand the working of the Holy Spirit.
God can do things all around us and we can miss out. We see someone healed or blessed and wonder why they get all the breaks. The simple answer is that they heard the message and believed it.
Quite often people who have very little understanding are simply hungry enough for a change or desperate enough for God to do something that they just receive the promise. God has the same things for everyone and the same Holy Spirit works in everyone and for everyone.
So is God doing what He says? Again I have to say that He absolutely is. If I am not seeing it, it is me who is not seeing it! God sees it. The Holy Spirit sees it. Jesus said that He did what He saw the Father do! Do I want to see it? Yes, I think so. Most of the time! Do I always see it? No. Am I going to? Yes!
If you stepped into a room with a thousand doors knowing that one of them had a treasure behind it what would you do? You would be wise to start opening doors. If you opened one and it was not there, would just quit? I hope not! So why do we often quit seeking and believing if what we are looking for is not behind the first door we open?
It is because we do not understand that God is working and by the Holy Spirit He is accomplishing the very things we are looking for. Remember, God is and He is THE rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!