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So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that He has promised. (Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT)

I have not yet received all that God has promised, but I have been greatly rewarded. All who call upon the name of Lord are instantly greatly rewarded. Unfortunately, we sometimes lose sight of all the great rewards. Have you ever noticed how quickly the last answer to prayer drifts out of sight and when we are waiting for the next answer? This really should not be. We should draw on the rewards we have received and use them as fuel when our endurance is fatigued.
When I read this scripture recently, I immediately wrote a note to myself saying, “I want to receive all you have promised Lord.” Truly, I feel like I am greatly rewarded on a regular basis. Often times that feeling comes from remembering rewards from the past. A funny thing about that is when I do remember them; it is like they are brand new. They give me even greater joy with age. The explanation for that is that the goodness of God always fresh and new. Like I noted earlier remembering simply fuels the fire of the Holy Spirit within me.
So yes, I want all God has promised, and I have been rewarded just as we all have, but I know there is more and I want it! Don’t you? Of course you do! If we love God and trust God, our answer must be yes because in order to please God we must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. To say we seek Him but do not expect or require anything of Him, is like saying He does do what He says.
I remember well when I was first saved and really did not understand the assurance of going to heaven, but I was so blessed with how much better life with Jesus was that I was satisfied if I just experienced this life with Him. I often said He did not need to do one more thing for me, but that never stopped Him; He just kept getting better and better. Once I understood more I realized it was His desire to be my father, not my father way out there somewhere, but my father up close and personal and I understood about being a dad and how I wanted my children blessed. I still what my children blessed and He still wants to bless me. So I will receive all that He has promised. Yes I will.
I will, because I will continue to do His will. I will continue to seek His will. I will continue receive His direction and correction. I will continue to expect Him to keep His promises and I will pray with anticipation of His participation in my life.
So join me in giving thanks to God for all His rewards; past, present, and future. Now tell Him, “I will do your will. I will. Yes I will.”

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