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Let it be done to me according to what you have said. (Luke 1:38b AMP)

Here we are, headed into the celebration of the birth of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! Have you ever considered that this miracle came about as a result of a young girl’s being willing to yield to the Word of the Lord? The bible is full of accounts of miracles happening as people yield to what God says.

There was an account in the Old Testament where a woman was going to make a small loaf of bread for herself and her son and then they were going to die. God gave her another choice. The prophet told her to make him some bread first and then she would have more than enough later. She chose to yield to the miracle and her oil and flour never ran out. There are many such accounts, and if you will search them out, you will find that it happened as a result of people yielding to the Word of God. You see, when we believe Him, we yield to what He says.

God does not force Himself on anyone, but He does always keep His promises. Mary would not have been the mother of Jesus if she had not yielded; the angel would have found another young virgin.

When Jesus came to the man lying beside the pool, He asked him if he want to be healed. When the man yielded to Jesus command he was healed. When we yield to Jesus command that we must be born again, we enter into a life of miraculous opportunities. The first and greatest is eternal life with Him, but there is much to experience between now and then if only we will yield.

It is not weak to yield; it is wise. Consider when you are driving a car. Failure to yield leads to close calls and quite often serious accidents. Actually, it is very foolish not to yield, and the same can be said with it comes to the Word of God.

When it comes to the Word of God, we can be sure He is always right and yielding to Him always gives us the right of way into His blessings. Jesus came as a fulfillment of Gods promise and as the deliverer of the New Covenant. In order for us to receive the promises, we need only to yield to, or believe what He says. It really is just that simple!

The only thing that complicates things is us! In the natural it would seem that things just cannot work the way God says, but we have a book full of examples that tell us otherwise. I encourage us all to make a commitment to yield to the Word of God. We will never be sorry if we do. We will be amazed!

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