Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. (Ps. 16:5)
Today, I find myself once again wondering why people work so hard at making the simplicity of God so complex. He is true. His word is true. Jesus said, “You believe in God, believe also in Me.” The Word of God tells us to get understanding, not to make a god of understanding, and yet it seems we require volumes of explanation as to why things are the way they are and happen the way they do. All the while, the Lord just tells us to run to Him. Run right past all the distractions and the things we cannot explain, right into His waiting arms.
There are, no doubt, things that are difficult to comprehend, but even if we understood the reason would it change things that much. For instance, we have managed to become so certain that there is a reason for everything that we grasp at straws and blame what is on what was, and it still makes little sense. If someone kills small children and the explanation is that their mother did not love them perfectly, how does that make it better? If the one who was not loved rightly would have been exposed to God’s love, then God’s love would have been sufficient and it all would have been better! So the solution as always is God’s love.
Wouldn’t we have an amazing society if we saw God as the solution to everything? Unfortunately it seems that even the one’s who follow God have a difficult time with allowing things to be that simple.
As I considered this, I began to pray and ask God for assurance that what I think of Him is ok. He interrupted me and asked why I would doubt now! I quickly remembered Peter on the water. I got out of the boat of doubt a long time ago; this is not the time to consider the waves! My call is to make followers of Jesus Christ. I have no desire to make people think the way I do. I simply want to expose people to the idea of considering Him before, in, and through everything. This does not always make everyone happy, but then I am not the source of Joy; He is! If I accomplish that, then in a way I do provide joy!
Because of this, sometimes my explanation of things is simply that it does not matter. “Get over it,” is another phrase that I find can work very well; at least when I tell myself that it works. Jesus told people things like, “Let the dead bury the dead.” He accused the very men who penned the Bible of having little faith. He was not being mean, He was challenging them to cast off what was useless and run to God.
If you don’t understand something, run to God and receive His presence. If it is something that you really need to understand He will tell you. However, in His presence the need to know often loses importance. Let’s be honest. Sometimes we wonder why when in reality we really are not sure we want to know. We will all do well to work our way into the “You alone” spot and simply rest there.