Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven; whose sin is covered. (Psalm 32:1 NKJ)
Do you feel like God has always blessed you? Would you consider thinking this way? Can you see the benefit of thinking this way? I admit that I live in a bit of a bubble. I often just pull the shield over my head refuse to look at things any other way than what I feel like the Lord is telling me. Do I ever miss God? Oh yes I am sure I do, but not on purpose!
As I sat with the Lord recently I began to talk to Him about the fact that He has always blessed me. Not everything that has occurred since the day I met Him has been a blessing, but in the midst of the not so wonderful things, He has always been there to bless me. I cannot think of one time when He failed to do this. No matter what, I always know I am blessed.
Trying to figure this out, it occurred to me that I have based my entire relationship with God on the outcome of my first real understanding of Him. Since He was so kind as to save me, deliver me, forgive me and etc. I have expected Him to continue. I have been just naïve enough to think that He would just keep being that way!
I have always anticipated more from Him. I mean it was such an amazing thing that our relationship even started and even if He had stopped there it would have been enough, but somehow I have always anticipated that there was more in store. I guess I have been a bit like a child who gets a piece of candy and assumes that there is another even before he actually eats the first. It is such a treat to know the Lord! I want both hands full!
This attitude is very beneficial when we encounter troubles. You see if we are able to focus on the fact that we are blessed and that the one who blesses us has a plan, then we will not be overpowered by the trouble. People will often say to look for the silver lining; well Jesus is the bright spot in every dark corner. In fact, since darkness is simply the absence of light, with Jesus we are never in the dark because He is the light of world.
Just as it is always good to make sure you have good batteries in the flashlight, it is always good to stay charged with the presence of God. Never entertain the idea that God does not want to bless you. Even if we put up a wall against Him, He still wants to bless. That is just His nature. He won’t force His blessings on us, but He never stops trying to get them to us.
So you may be in a place where you are saying, “I don’t look blessed and I sure don’t feel blessed, and this makes no sense to me.” Well step out of natural sense in the Kingdom of God and declare that it makes no difference how it looks or how I feel, “I am always blessed.” Now watch what God can do. Anticipate His solution.