You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (Matt. 5:14 NKJ)
Jesus life gives light to all who believe in Him. That light in turn produces life. His light illuminated His life. The plan was for His life to become the way of life for believers. This in turn would draw people to Him. We lift Him up and He draws people to Himself.
While He was in the world, His light shined brightly for all to see. Of course we know that not everyone liked the light, but that did not stop Him from shining. This brings us to His statement that we are the light of the world.
Our faith and hope in Christ produces light. The level of our willingness to walk in the light as He walked in the light determines the candle power with which we shine. The source of the light is always on high power, but we determine what comes through.
He freely gives this light to all. He did not give huge spotlights to one and little clicker lights to others. We all shine with the same light. Some lights may shine more publicly, but they are no more powerful than the light you shine at the store, on the job, or where ever you may be.
The light that is in each one us has the power to transform lives around us. Have you ever considered that the light of Christ in you is ready to change the lives of people eternally? That is powerful. And remember, Jesus said we simply needed to let the light shine.
All we have to do is fight the good fight of faith so that what comes through us is what Jesus put in us. Don’t ever think that your light is insignificant. There is no such thing as an insignificant light. All light has the same source, and that source is Christ. Any other light is actually darkness.
We have all stood with mouths open in amazement as we watched people who appeared to have bigger lights dropped into darkness. We have all heard the enemy mock and warn us that if they fell how could we hope to stand? Don’t believe that lie. The light did not lose its power and He never will. What happens to someone else does not change what Jesus said.
He was confident in what He was able to give us. He knew that His light was able to outshine any darkness and He knew that He could do it through you. Jesus was not giving us an assignment that we could never hope to fill. He was stating a fact that He knew we would not be aware of unless He pointed it out. He wanted to make sure that we knew that the light would not go out with His life.
Time has proven His statement to be true. We are in a time when understanding is increasing the intensity of our lights. We are learning how to allow more of the source to shine through. Let His light shine.