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Continue to ask, and God will give to you. Continue to search, and you will find. Continue to knock, and the door will open to you. (Matthew 7:7 ERV)

Oh how I love the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. How I love you Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. How I love you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. My heart overflows with gratitude for the things you have done and continue to do!

Today, I am blessed with such a feeling of special gratitude to God because recently when I was conversing with the Lord and asking how or why He managed to keep me. He simply said, “Because you asked!” How simple is that. He of course is right. I did ask. Thanks to the leading of the Holy Spirit I asked for things I had no idea about. I asked Him to keep me and never let me go back to where I was. Even though, shortly before I asked that I could not see that where I was, was so bad! I asked Him to take me and mold me and to show me the way. I asked Him to use me when I had no idea what He would or could use me for. I was just writing songs from my inner most being. I was not thinking about what I was asking, I was just asking. I am so glad I did.

Well this morning it occurred to me that it was about this time thirty years ago that I began a slide into the kingdom of God. I am glad that I did not journal at the time or keep a diary, because I really do not want all the particulars but there are a few things that come to my mind that remind me how my words, actions, and emotions were unraveling. My thirtieth birthday had not affected me earlier in the summer as some thought it might, but little did I know at the time that only a few months later I would have the greatest birthday of all; my first birthday in Christ.

I had no idea that a battle was on between the devil and God. But it was becoming all out war in my life. There is an old song that says, “Try to remember the days in September;” well I do not remember them specifically, for good reason, but I do know they were a roller coaster headed for a freight train. The Holy Spirit ran right over the devils roller coaster and I met Jesus. Yes I am so thankful. What a privilege.

Have you asked Him to be your Lord as well as savior? Have you asked Him to keep you and draw you and never let you turn back? Have you joined David in saying that He is is only thing you really desire?

Earlier in this chapter the Lord speaks of removing debris from our eyes so we can see clearly. The debris of cares and worries can rob of us so much peace. How often have you heard people say that it is difficult to follow, or trust, or believe God. Isn’t that a silly thing for anyone to say? Think about it. I just want to encourage you to ask. Ask for a steadfast spirit to sustain you. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you. I join Paul in saying I have not yet arrived, but as he said the secret was to keep pressing. Keep asking. Keep seeking. If He is most important, and He should be, then ask!

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