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Jesus said to him, "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that you? You follow Me." (John 21:22 NKJ)

It is no surprise that Jesus gave Peter good advice when he asked about John; after all, Jesus always gives good advice! Actually, Jesus gave us all three great nuggets in this piece of advice.

The last was the greatest. The key to life is following Jesus. Jesus told the Pharisees when they were trying to trap him with the woman caught in adultery that He was the light of world and that those who follow Him should not walk in darkness. That of course involves choosing to follow that light on our part. We do not have to walk in darkness, but the truth is we occasionally find ourselves stumbling along before we think to look for the light. He is the only way no matter what anyone may say! God said we should listen to Him and He said He was the one God wanted us to follow because He and the Father are one. So that settles that.

The second nugget that I see in this verse is Jesus telling Peter to mind his own business. We really do need to be careful to make sure we are following Jesus before we start trying to decide the walk of other people. Believe me I know what it is like to be drawn into the trap of minding other people’s business. As a pastor I am often invited into people’s business and that is one thing, but I have also been invited or chosen on my own to mind other people’s business and learned to do my best to avoid that!.

Maybe Peter was trying to find out how far he had fallen in favor by seeing if John was getting a better deal now since Peter had denied Jesus. What ever Peter’s reason was, Jesus told him to mind his own business and make sure he did what he was supposed to.

It has always been most important that Christians follow Jesus. Throughout the ages He has done new things and each time He does a new thing, some hang on to the past. God did a new thing in sending Jesus and the religious leaders could not handle it. Jesus did and said some things that were way out of the ordinary and a whole bunch walked away. The Holy Spirit came in power and few more dropped off. As the early church walked in the power of God, they had many people who believed but would not join them.

The trend has continued in era after era, generation after generation, or dispensation to dispensation as theologians call it and it will continue until the end of our present age. So what do we do? We make sure we follow Him. We don’t measure ourselves by ourselves or compare ourselves with others. We follow Him and love those who follow Him and pray that everyone would come to know Him and follow Him. You see the first thing He said was if it was what He wanted that was all that mattered. That is still all that matters. My will is to do the will of Him who saved me. I am sure that is your desire too.

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