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Bring my soul out of prison so that I may give thanks and praise your name; the righteous will surround me, for you will look after me. (Psalms 142:7)

From time to time, we find ourselves trapped. We find ourselves feeling alone. We find ourselves wondering if God cares. We wonder if God has forgotten us. The good news is, no He has not. In fact, these are not even our thoughts. These are seeds that the enemy attempts to plant and we have all the tools we need to kill those weeds.

In Hebrews, we are reminded of our need to be solid in our faith. We cannot go wandering in the wondering field. What I mean is, the enemy tries to make us wonder about God’s faithfulness. If we wander off into wondering, we are more easily convinced that maybe God is not all we thought He might be. Get rid of that. We need to eat good food not munch on the junk of the devil. (Hebrews 5:12-14) What He says is our foundation. It is not how we see it, it is how it is.

Jesus promised not to leave us as orphans. I have never been an orphan. I mean my folks raised me. However, there are times in our lives when we maybe feel orphaned. We see so much about bully’s on the social media. We hear about or witness the bullying that goes on is schools. These are the types of things that make people feel like they are all alone. Even now, in the midst of the current pandemic with all the social media, people still feel all alone. No matter how many times they are told they are not alone. Good news is available for all. We can be sure that God will look after us.

We must not allow ourselves to be deceived. God has promised us over and over again that we are His and He takes care of His own. There is an open door for all who will come into His presence through Jesus. He is our place of refuge in all storms. If we can believe, all things are possible for those who will believe God.

Do you remember when you used to choose up teams? When I was a kid, two kids were captains. There was a pecking order to being the captain. Once the captains took over, you decided who you would prefer to choose you; everyone wanted to be on the best team or the team where their friends were etc. It did not always go as you wanted. Sometimes the best players would be chosen last because they were not liked. Normally it was a popularity skill set cross. In any event, seldom was everyone happy about the choices, but if you wanted to play it would have to be okay.

Well I love the fact that we were all pre-chosen by God for the best team. On the team we are given the ability we need to succeed in our position. We are called to His team so that we can declare how great He is. Everyone can do that. He watches over us so that we experience His greatness. He does not expect us to make up how great He is. We know by experience. Yes!

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