Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; (1 Peter 1:8 AMP)
I read this scripture and it challenges and comforts me. It reminds me that I love Him. It challenges me to show it. When cities are burning; I love Him. When nothing is making sense; I love Him. When things far away sit on my heart; I love Him. What can I do? What can we do? We can love Him. As we love Him, we open up to His love comforting us and bringing things into perspective.
When we do not know what to pray, our love for Him will join with the Holy Spirit. Our trust will somehow do things that we do not understand, and comfort us and others around us. We know He is near. We don’t see Him in the things that are going on, but we know He knows. And because we know He knows; we are reminded we love Him and challenged to love Him more.
What more can we do? What more can we say? What greater thing can we do than love God? The disciples said they would follow Him anywhere. Then they didn’t. But then they did again.
When our eyes get out of focus and we see things that shake our faith and trust, we need to remember that we love the God who cannot be shaken with unshakeable faith. No, we do not always feel like we have unshakeable faith but it is there.
Yesterday, I received a call that made my heart and spirit soar. All I could do was shout, pray in tongues and praise the Lord. Pastor Roggers, my spiritual son from Africa finally was able to contact me. His voice saying, “Hello Daddy,” was an answer to prayer. He confirmed more than I ever could have thought to pray for. For months all I could say to God was “Lord you know.” And once again it was true.
The thing is, as the song says, even when we don’t see it, He is present and He is working, and He is worthy of our love and trust. The Holy Spirit reminds us. He is our reset button.
When things are not working right and we are not thinking right; we need to reset. We need to look to our Lord who we do not see but oh how we love Him. We love Him, because He first loved us.
When we feel like we have failed and we do not know if we can get up; we can reset. There is no limit to the times we can reset. God said that we should love Him with all that we are. I may not be able to do anything right, but I can love Him and He will make me right.
Nothing is out of His reach or beyond His power. So, take a moment and love Him. Just stop and say Lord I love you. And say it again until you know you are reset.