The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the peoples see His glory. (Psalm 97:6 NKJ)
Do you ever wonder why everyone does not see just how wonderful God is? When you have those moments; remember that you probably did not always see it either! Not only that, but there are probably still some things we can learn. As I was reading Psalm 97 and came to this verse, I prayed, “Oh Lord, show all the people your glory.” He immediately said back to me, “You show them, they don’t believe Me!”
Just think about it. We know that all creation declares His greatness, but people prefer to attribute His creation to some sort of an accident, or anything but Him. Even people who believe in Him are often times less than convincing when it comes to all of His promises and His power. Needless to say, if we are not convinced, how are we going to convince anyone else?
We will never reveal His glory if we refuse to believe all of His promises. We will never experience the fullness of God if we are willing to dilute what He has said. We cannot waiver on one little bit of the Word of God and expect to receive anything from God. Remember what He says about being double minded.
So how are we supposed to convince anyone of anything? The truth is; we don’t! The Holy Spirit does that. Our part is to continually reveal glimpses of His glory until the light shines on people’s hearts. That is why it is so important that we be consistent and persistent in our personal walk with God. Some folks think they will convince people by being insistent, but it just does not work that way. We cannot insist that others see what we see. We need to keep revealing it until they see it for themselves.
We are created to reveal His greatness. This of course includes the obvious things like healing the sick, casting out devils, and other signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. These are all manifestations of the Kingdom of God, but we all know that these things alone do not convince people. Often times, people will experience an obvious miracle and go right on without even acknowledging that God had anything to do with it.
So, while we should be prepared at any moment to calm a storm, it is even more important that we be consistent in all that the Word of God proclaims. We reveal God through our love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, kindness, faith, gentleness, giving, forgiving, and etc. When we bless those who curse us, and pray instead of complaining we reveal the power of God to change a life. Our giving reveals the glory of God because the devil is a thief and his nature is to take, so when we give in the name of Jesus we reveal the glory of God. A cup of cold water in His name, the bible says, not only impresses heaven but is used by the Spirit of God to touch the hearts of those who are searching. It is not just the big things; it is all things that reveal God’s glory. You can do it! You show them.