Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith in him is being talked about all over the world. (Romans 1:8 NLT)
Rome was quite a place in its’ day and famous for some good and many not so good things. It was pretty much at the peak of immorality and idol worship and Christian persecution and at the same time, according to Paul people all over the world were talking about the faith of the Christians there. All of this took place before any of the apostles had even visited them. The truth makes people free.
Hearing the good news, believing the good news, and walking in the light made these people stand out in the world where they lived, and Paul wanted to get there not only to share with them, but to share in what they were experiencing.
It is always a joy to hear how God has worked in a person’s life and also to share how He has worked in our lives. Every time a person comes to Jesus it is a wonderful story. One may seem more dramatic to some than others, but they are all miracles and cheered by the crowd who watches from heaven.
Scripture tells us that those who are forgiven much love much, but that does not mean that they have corner on loving God. A person who has not been caught up in a lot of sinful activity who comes to a living relationship with God may just be an even greater miracle simply because they see a need for God even when in many eyes they are not so bad. Paul makes it pretty clear in the letter to the Roman’s that all have sinned and all need to be saved by faith in Jesus Christ.
I really do want my faith in Jesus to be obvious because of what He is doing in my life. The truth is that sometimes people’s faith in Jesus is talked about because we see what everyone else needs to change. We are able to point out the faults of others but perhaps we fail to reveal the joy, peace, and love that should be obvious in our own lives.
The first chapter of Romans goes deep into the immorality that surrounded the Romans and us to this day but it was more to paint a picture of just how different they were now than they were before. Paul tells us all that there is no excuse for not coming to Jesus since the presence of God has always been obvious.
If we are going talk about things, we first need to talk about the good news and our love for God. We stand for what is right and shine His light and it may be an offense so tome at times. God can and will change the world. We can change our spot in the world. We are called to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. As we do, we will hear Him and say what He wants us to say and do what He wants us to do. May the lord give us grace and peace to finish the course.