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For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3 NLT)

There is so much more for us to know when it comes to being in Christ and Christ being in us; we are told that we are new creatures if we are in Christ. We are also told that Christ in us is our hope of glory. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. If we abide in Christ and His word abides in us we will know the truth that makes us free. We have all of this promised to us. What do we do with it?
We are warned not to neglect such a great salvation and yet, sadly, we all do. For a multitude of reasons we miss so much. Even so, God is so gracious and merciful that the moment we return to Him all of His promises are fresh and free in Christ Jesus.
So I have been contemplating being in Christ. Colossians tells us that our real life is hidden with Christ in God. Jesus said we should abide in Him so if we are in Him, then He is revealed and He is in charge, and He can do all things.
Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So my thinking is that if I see myself in Christ, then I see Christ revealing Himself. The following verse in Colossians says, “And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all His glory.
Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would be in the Father and in Him; that we would be one with and in them so that world would believe that God sent Him.
I have a friend whose ministry cry is “Let the lion loose!” That was what came to my mind as I considered Christ in me and being in Christ. Christ comes into our hearts when we believe, but we must remember that it is getting into Christ that makes us truly free.
We are saved by Christ in our hearts but we know the power of God as we move into Christ. When I was young and played sports, if I wanted to play I needed to get into the game. I needed to put in the effort in order to have the opportunity to perform. Being a Christian is not a performance. We can do nothing without Him. But we can do all things in Him.
His life, power, grace, love, mercy, and all that is Christ flows freely when we are in Him. He is always ready, are we ready for Him?
Do we trust Him to do abundantly above and beyond what we can hope or imagine. When we only see Him as in us, we become responsible for Him doing what only He can do and we often limit Him because we are sure how to let Him loose. When we are in Him and one with Him, the pressure is not us. Our confidence is in His ability. God is able. Our real lives are in Him. When we are confident in Him, He is revealed as we put away those things were us. That is real life!

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